Friday, 17 February 2012

Antoni and Alison - AW12

What a fantastic start to London Fashion Week today!
Antoni and Alison's Autumn Winter 2012 collection opened my eyes to application of digital print and had me mesmerised all the way through the show. Scanned oversized fabrics, papers, staples and embellishment textures printed onto beautiful silk dresses are definitely a must have for a bleak autumn/winter wardrobe. A few of my favourites are below, check out the London Fashion Week Website for more collections this week!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Contemporary Textiles Fair 2012 - Teddington, London

I have been selected to show work this year at the Contemporary Textiles Fair 2012 taking place at the Landmark Arts Centre, Teddington, London - 9th - 11th March. The flyer above admits 2 people for the price of one! I have always heard good reviews about the show and I can't wait to exhibit there.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

WINNER - Best Product Award

At last weeks Scotland's Spring Trade Fair I received the best product award in Clothing and Textiles. Hurrrayyyyyy!
One of my new 2012 silk scarf prints 'Escargatoire' won me the award which was proudly displayed all week on my stand along with my products being displayed in some large glass cabinets during the show for all to see.

Head on over to my website this month where this print is 'Scarf of the Month' offering you 10% off the usual large silk scarf price in my online shop whilst stocks last.

Scotland's Spring Trade Fair 2012

After a scenic 6 hour journey, 4 days at the SECC Glasgow and lots of lovely trade orders... I'm back in the studio. Scotland's Spring Trade Show was amazing, this was the first time I have exhibited my work over the Scottish border. I already have a great stockist (The Shop of Interest) in Glasgow and I will be updating my stockists list soon on my website with some more lovely new shops across Scotland and the High Lands.
